Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So much for my great idea...

I thought that I would write more if I did a blog, and so here we are... Eli is 9 months and 5 days old, and I have nothing written about it!

Of note lately for Eli:

He got tooth #1 (his bottom right) on Sunday December 27. His second bottom tooth appeared exactly on his 9 month birthday (January 8, 2010).

Eli started pulling himself up on things about 3 weeks ago, and now he is an old pro. He can pull himself to standing with the use of anything, and he can do it in seconds. Just like a weeks ago he would pull himself up on his exersaucer, but it would be to wobbly and he would fall over. Not anymore. Today I left in the office for a minute to get something out of my car, and I heard him yelping. I came running in, and there he was standing up holding on to the office chair, which was swiveling, and he was getting tired and nervous. He couldn't figure out how to get himself back to sitting without falling.

Eli is wearing 12-18 month clothing already, his 6-12 month clothes are really tight. Whenever we put on an outfit that he hasn't worn yet, dad comments that it's way too big and it won't fit. Then we put it on and it's too small.

Eli is always found sockless is his left foot. If he finds a second where he isn;t otherwise occupied, he will pull off the right one too. The other day I was in the grocery store and a grandma was asking him where his gloves and hat and socks were.. yeah right, like Eli would wear gloves, but he did have his socks on when we left the house.

Eli loves to talk especially in sacrement meeting when his voice resonates so well. Everyone who sees him as we're out and about comments on his talking and EVERYONE talks about his beautiful blue eyes and long eyelashes.

Eli likes to be with mom all day. If he can manage it, he crawls in her lap, and if he can't manage it, he keeps trying anyway. He deffinitely doesn't want to sit in my lap though, he just wants to get there and jump around and then move along, until he realizes he's not in my lap anymore, and then he tries again to get back in my lap.

Eli is a really happy baby and he loves strangers. Especially women, he smiles at women all the time, he's sure that they will see him smiling and come over to coo at him.

Lately when we run errands, I open the back door to pull him out of the car, and there he is, just smiling a huge smile for mommy. Even if he was upset during the drive, he always has a big smile on when the door opens.

He has a cute little toy that hangs on his carseat and it make a bunch of different sounds and he tries to copy the sounds when he hears them. The funniest are the laughing sounds whenever he hears the toy laugh, he copies with a fake little laugh. This make mommy laugh, and that makes Eli laugh.

Eli just learned to wave bye-bye (about 2 weeks ago). We didn;t know this until we went to dinner one night, and as we were walking out the hostess waved goodbye, and he waved right back. This week he's also learned to wave hello.

Eli loves to laugh when others are laughing and clap when others clap. He also likes to sing when others are singing. If there is a lot of noise going on, Eli will yell, at the top of his lungs. He always wants to be in on the action.

Well... That's it for now. Goodnight.

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