Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Teeth, Bad Sleeper

Tooth #5 just appeared this week in the upper left. It looks like Eli will have 8 by the end of the month. I thought he would have more by now, but I'm glad they're so late because they're so hard to brush. This week Eli has been back to waking up at 3 am every night. I think he must have a sore mouth.

Grandma Behunin took all the in-town grandkids to Cherry Hill on Thursday. Eli went down the fast water slides three times until mommy was sure that he was in fact not enjoying it. The tunnels were a little too dark and the splashing was a little scary. There was a smaller water slide the size of those at the playground that Eli went on at least 20 times. Mommy would set him at the top with her and then quickly slide down while he waited, and then when I called him, he would push himself down. Several times he got going so fast that he would fall over, and be laying in the water. It didn't faze him at all. Later, mommy and Eli rode the lazy river for a long long time, until Eli finally fell asleep. He loves water.

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